
Coachella 2011

January 21, 2011

I just purchased our tickets for Coachella 2011 today using the layaway option. I told myself we weren’t going to go this year and concentrate on paying off some debt instead. That goal didn’t hold as soon as I saw this year’s lineup, so it looks like we’re heading back to Cali.
Update: Ho.Lee.Molee. I’m glad I didn’t hem and haw about whether to go. Coachella 2011 is SOLD OUT and only in a matter of 6 days. Along with all the camping. Now, I’ve got to figure out where that camera of ours happens to be hiding at in the house…


Want a BEEautiful Garden?

July 22, 2010

Found a giveaway on my twitter stream that I’m pretty excited about. The Sacred Bee is having a giveaway that is running through the end of the month (July 31st, 2010) for a Honeybee Habitat Scatter Garden provided by Potter Shed Creations. My backyard is just pathetically bare and could use some color and life back there. It doesn’t get much easier than tossing seed, watering and waiting for results : ) Visit her site and there are many ways to gain multiple entries.


The Nerd’s Wife ‘Dead In The Family’ Signed Book Giveaway

May 24, 2010

The Nerd's Wife Arena was recently a lucky dog and able to attend a Charlene Harris book signing in the Dallas area. Lucky for us, she got TWO copies signed of Charlene’s latest book, Dead In The Family, and she’s willing to part with one to give one away to some lucky winner. Click on her button, just above here, and enter to win. There’s are several opportunites to earn additional entries, as well. I’m entering and if you do as well, then, “Bon chance!”


Do It Gorgeously: Clueless or Crafty Quiz

May 19, 2010

Do It Gorgeously: Clueless or Crafty Quiz.


Tulsa Twitter Egg Hunt 2010

April 5, 2010

Well, it was another great year of beautiful sunshine and pleasant temperatures to go around Tulsa depositing eggs with messages for the finders. Last year was the first year we put this on. It was basically an impromptu thing I put together the day of. The inspiration came from Tony Hawk’s Twitter treasure hunt and a video that iJustine made: Urban Easter Egg Hunt
Anyway, I thought it would be fun to Twitpic clues to Twitter of some different areas around town for people to play along. Inside the egg, I included a message on where to send a picture and the address to the blog where the photos would be posted.
This blog was originally created for that purpose last year, but I’m quite the procrastinator and it never did make it as a post, so this year I’m sending everybody to my Get the Gist blog , basically because I had this other blog out there that had no posts on it and I felt like a squatter. So, I hope you enjoy the pics. We had a lot of fun doing this, even though the response isn’t as much as I’d like to see. Oh well. There’s always next year.


Biscuit Acres

July 24, 2009

Well, I took the girls’ over to the newest Tulsa dog park yesterday. I wanted to wear them out before I took them over to the new dog wash place in Jenks, but that ended up being a bust. It was just an open house, so I’ll take them back on Saturday for the grand opening. Anyway, I finally remembered to take the camera, I just didn’t get any shots of when we first got there. Those would be great to see – they take off running full speed ahead when we get there like racing thoroughbreds. Of course, they wear themselves out in like 5 minutes, but whatever, they love it.



July 14, 2009

So, my daughter has been wanting to add bright colors to her hair forever and school only allows ‘natural’ colors. You know to prevent distractions and all. Well, it’s summer and she has a friend who is in beauty school and agreed to lighten her hair for the Punky Colours that we bought, so they would show up better and be more vivid. I imagined it would look a little different than it turned out. I would have left some blonde and mixed in some purple between the blue rather than just underneath. I’ll do that next time for her, but she’s happy and that’s all that matters.


Art Car Weekend

May 28, 2009

So, a couple of weekends ago, my daughter and I went down to the Cherry Street Farmer’s Market and passed a line of very unique & individual automobiles. I don’t know all the details, but I imagine they were probably in town for Mayfest(?). Needless, to say this was the highlight of our venture out and totally unexpected. I was just glad the kid happened to have my camera in her bag, so we could capture the moment and share it with you.  I threw in the picture of the Ducati just because it was there and I couldn’t help myself. Also, be sure to click on the links below to see the automated “orchestra.”

Art Car Symphony

The Conductor

Art Car Encore


Tyson Contest (via Homemaker Hero)

May 28, 2009

Homemaker Hero is running a contest for the new Tyson Heat ‘N Eat Dinner Meats varieties. There will be 5 winners and as of this post the odds were looking pretty good – you have until June 1st to gain an entry by several different methods. Click the button below to go to her site and see some of the different varities of simple meals you can make & enter to win. Good Luck!


Not Much Progress

May 28, 2009

Okay, so now I look like a liar, but I had good intentions about getting the backyard together.  The problem came from the lack of participation on behalf of my daughter not wanting to help load/unload the pavers.  It was a great weekend to do something like that too with the cooler temps and overcast days.  Oh well, hopefully soon I can get something accomplished before the 100 degree heat takes up residence in OK.